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Reg.: Oct 1977
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!!! Plz Read !!!
sers leute
gibt wie euch vmtl aufgefallen is den "iTalk" nicht mehr,...
dafuer dieses forum "MIXES/(M)TRACKS"
hier werden alle comments zu (eingetragenen) mixes oder mtracks abgelegt,...
sind also sichtbar und direkt zugaenglich
ich denke das wird sich positiv auswirken
falls wer einen mix hat der geadded werden soll,...
dann bitte hier posten (mit dem hinweis zum adden im subject)(e.g. "studiomix by dj blah xyz to add..")
nachdem er geadded wurde, wird er geloescht und die schon vorhandenen replies in den neuen thread gepackt,...
hinweise auf tunes, links dazu, track id requests und aehnliches bitte ab jetzt hier posten!
viel spass damit!
(und wir wollen da noch ein paar sachen reinpacken)
The phaomnnehil pweor of the hmuan mnid.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in
waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt
tihng is taht the
frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses
and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid
deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
amzanig huh?
all souled out
on rotation: cycle con:cept aziz mat fox coda epsilon cuse shnek.mc
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13-03-2003 - 12:13 |
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Reg.: May 2002
Location: Planet Dub
Posts: 2392 |
am besten 'on top' setzen... sonst lests keiner 

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13-03-2003 - 13:15 |
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Reg.: May 2002
Location: Planet Dub
Posts: 2392 |
und man sieht das board nur, wenn man eingeloggt is... absicht?

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13-03-2003 - 15:20 |
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the cake is a lie!

Reg.: Jun 2002
Posts: 1112 |
ich denke das wird sich positiv auswirken
ähm... ich auch ...
[Atomique // mainframe // Goldbonded // dubstep.at // berzerk // fokuz // trickdisc // dub:iouz]
¡ǝı1 ɐ sı ǝʞɐɔ ǝɥʇ ... and we both said thngs youre going to regret...
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13-03-2003 - 18:32 |
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the cake is a lie!

Reg.: Jun 2002
Posts: 1112 |
thx aziz!!
aber irgendwie sind die mtracks comments no net da
bug, absicht, or undone ?
[Atomique // mainframe // Goldbonded // dubstep.at // berzerk // fokuz // trickdisc // dub:iouz]
¡ǝı1 ɐ sı ǝʞɐɔ ǝɥʇ ... and we both said thngs youre going to regret...
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13-03-2003 - 19:09 |
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Reg.: Jul 2002
Posts: 480 |
weder noch!
die tracks die ab jetzt upgloadet werden sollten erscheinen!
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13-03-2003 - 20:56 |
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Reg.: May 2002
Location: Vienna
Posts: 4 |
Hier posten ....?
...wenn ich einen track verlinke (in MIXES/(m)Tracks) ?
Habs direkt in M-tracks gepostet mit Link dazu..
nähmlich: "Variable - TwoPointFive"
21 Soundsystem
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23-05-2003 - 10:46 |
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junior member
Reg.: Aug 2003
Location: hamburg // germany
Posts: 11 |
icam - inner silence-mix (october 2003) to add
... i call it advanced/abstract breaks.
tracklist: icam - inner silence-mix (october 2003)
01. push button objects – apple sauce [ska 011]
02. somatic responses – flux density [six 003]
03. doormouse – cut six [low 006]
04. lfo demon – die totale gleichschaltung [restroom 12002]
05. venetian snares – befriend a achildkiller [yo 033]
06. e.stonji – st-p [pnr 005]
07. µ-ziq – grape nut beats (pt. 1) [ziq 070]
08. krumble – disco breakin' [dam 012]
09. abdullah k – trip to the boom [amx 002]
10. redcode – bad [spb 7.005]
-----------------> 43 min/42 MB/128 kbps <--> <--
hope, you enjoy it!
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21-10-2003 - 22:45 |
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Reg.: Mar 2002
Location: auwei
Posts: 64 |
hi, ich hab vor etwa 2 wochen zwei mixes von mathematics reingepackt mit hinweis "to add" ... jetzt sind sie komplett verschwunden und ich find sie auch nicht unter mixes....
what was wrong?
: drum'n'bass, jungle & liquid funk > djs: mad
b, drift, zodiak, ali, mijatoho, levi, ron swan, nonda,
squash, taz * mcs: stb, ronin [precision breakbeat
research/frankfurt/d], blackeye [lab creation/london/
uk] * live: mijatoho
schoggi beats: breaks, minimal & tek house > djs:
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07-06-2005 - 13:45 |
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Reg.: May 2002
Location: Lugner City
Posts: 43 |
Autumn by ElekD to add

Elektrisches Descent (ElekD)
Proudly presents :
" Autumn "
Dedicated to : Peter "Pelle" Jubel of Propellerhead Software
Alone and helplessly wandering
yet again through the trees
thinking and wondering
when you'll come back to me
leaves fall and streak my tears
like me the trees are crying
dry tears that leave them bare
to lay cold and dead on the ground
Now the trees breathe your words
I feel you are near, your hand on my heart
Take my soul with yours, no longer will I be
waiting for the autumn leaves to fall till you come back to me
Entire posting here:
MP3 download:
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03-11-2005 - 19:55 |
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junior member
Reg.: Feb 2006
Location: UK
Posts: 16 |
wow says newby
Greetings all at Drumandbassat
Hazel (newby) here working for vibration records in the uk. i was amazed when i found this thead. would love to know what study that info comes from? And the poem super nice. wish i had wrote it.
peace and respect to all
ever resounding...
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10-02-2006 - 13:15 |
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02-05-2007 - 19:08
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Reg.: Oct 2002
Location: http://www.karoshium.org
Posts: 182 |
DJ Resista @ Audionom Festival to add
Resista @ Audionom Festival /Zöberer Au (at) - 23.06.2007
Zugegeben, schon wieder n Zeitl her, aber was solls...
Kommt anfangs als chilliger Sommermix daher, wird dann aber tendenziell immer härter...aber einfach selber reinhören!
Comments welcome! 
(DOWNLOAD full version in 320kb coming soon)
Fresh - When The Sun Goes Down (Commix rmx) - Breakbeat Kaos
Nu Balance . Bounce Back - Bingo
Drumagick - Levada Tropical - Phuturo
St. Cal - Red Light - Soul:R
TC + Distorted Minds - Compton - Digital Soundboy
Cyantific - Reincaration Dub - Hospital
Commix - Roots Train - Hospital
Visionary - Ruling Sound - Digital Soundboy
--- start 90minutes version---
Digital - Brother Man - Function
Zinc - Ska - True Playaz
Zinc - Departure (D-Bridge Remix) - Bingo
XRS+Marky - Striptease - Bingo
Sonic - Saigon Traffic - Bingo
Logistics - Girl From Mars - Hospital
Marcus Intalex - Temperence - Soul:R
Mathematics + Tactile + Spinline - Thrill Of The Hunt - Social Studies
Klute - Beware - Commercial Suicide
Breakage - Plum Fairy - Critical
Break - Ringing Ears - Commercial Suicide
Tactile - Chrome - Timeless
Fierce + Optiv - Surface Noise - Quarantine
Break - Come & Get It - Soul:R
60 Minute Man - Latino - Intercom
Digital - Termite - Innerground Records
DJ Dara - Possession (dsf rmx) - Breakbeat Science
Bungle - Human Poison - Critical
Loxy + Keaton - Judgement Day - Xtinction Agenda
Vicious Circle - Between the Lines - Renegade Hardware
Tactile - Super System - Timeless
Jonny L - Piper ("The Clone") - Mr. L
Break - The Drone - Symmetry
Mikrob - Wild - Phuturo Recordings
Digital - Deadline - Function
Motive - Freeze Frame - Levitated
Commix - Electric - Metalheadz
Teebee - Human Reptile (Remix) - Subtitles
Motive - Dont Get It Twisted - DSCI4
quote: "Vinyl brings quality control. Anyone can bang out a tune and upload it to an internet site, but when you decide to invest £2000 in pressing up some records, believe me, you soon start to question the quality of the music." [PJ/Shut Up And Dance]
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15-08-2007 - 19:59 |
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Reg.: May 2005
Posts: 52 |
timon - freigeist
Black Sun Empire - Crash Bunny
State of Mind - Rise & Fall
Brian Abbey feat. Aaron Simpson - Never far from Right (Subsonik rmx)
State of Mind - Belarus
Ben Sage - Geisha
Bad Company & Noisia - Meditation
Moving Fusion & Eddy Woo - Black Hawk Down
Influx UK - Shine (Nero rmx)
Calyx & Ill.Skillz - Thru your Eyes
Electrosoul System - The Vision
The Green Man - Damn Wire (N.Phect & Dizplay VIP)
Noisia & Mayhem feat. MC Verse - Choke
State of Mind & Chris.Su - Deeper
Teebee - Not the One
Concord Dawn - Man for all Seasons (Chris.Su & SKC rmx)
Noisia & Teebee - Lost Cause
State of Mind - Back to the Jungle <-- Future Prophecies - Wonderland VIP
17th Boulevard - Memories
Axiom - Vendetta
N.Phect & Dizplay - Velvet Morning
Viel Spass damit!!
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23-08-2007 - 13:55 |
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board freak

Reg.: Oct 2001
Location: 1030 eudah!
Posts: 1219 |
studiomix by dj res to add
Hab was nettes gebastelt. Eigentlich mehr on the fly "generiert" 
zu finden
FRESSSH Club - Vienna
Upcomming dj dates
01.03.2013 - Vollkontakt Localsparty - WERK,Vienna
“Change will lead to insight far more often than insight will lead to change.”
FRESSSH / Resident r.i.p! / pro|tune / City Warriors/ Synergetic
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27-01-2008 - 19:41 |
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Reg.: Oct 2002
Location: http://www.karoshium.org
Posts: 182 |
DJ RESISTA - "revealed" Mix to add
DJ RESISTA - "revealed" Mix
Inro: Björk - Cover Me (Dillinja rmx) - Amber Rec.
Spirit - Scrabble VIP - Inneractive
Break - The Truth - Symmetry
Dom & Roland - Just So You Know - Moving Shadow
System Noize - Can't Test - TEKDBZ
Break - The Drone - Symmetry
DKay & BSE - Bullet in the Head - Obsessions
Loxy & Keaton - Judgement Day (resurrection mix) - Xtinction Agenda
Dom & Roland - Bring In the Funk - Dom & Roland Productions
Break - Run Off - [Quarantine]
Clipz - Return to the Temple - Emcee Rec.
Apex, Spor, Ewun & Evil Intent - Dirge - Lifted
Randall & Vapour - Last Man Standing - Mac II
Break - Follow the Heat - Engine
Doc Scott - 9507 - 31 Rec.
Icicle - Weak Moments - Subtitles
DJ Crystl - Warpdrive 2004 - Photek Rec.
Jem - They (Photek mix) - Crazy Wise Music
next DJ dates:
8 Jun 2008 22:00 CET
PANOPTIKUM radioshow hosted by Silent.Wolf @ Play.FM
11 Jun 2008 18:00
CHECK DIS OUT! (Breaks / DnB) @ Play.FM
18 Jul 2008 22:00
ADDICTION (Breaks) @ Fluc-Wanne
19 Jul 2008 22:00
25 Jul 2008
AUTOPSY @ Volks Club / Brighton (UK)
7 Aug 2008 00.30-2
BEAT IT @ Flex
quote: "Vinyl brings quality control. Anyone can bang out a tune and upload it to an internet site, but when you decide to invest £2000 in pressing up some records, believe me, you soon start to question the quality of the music." [PJ/Shut Up And Dance]
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07-06-2008 - 13:49 |
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Reg.: Oct 2002
Location: http://www.karoshium.org
Posts: 182 |
DJ RESISTA live @ Switch!/Nov 2008 - TO ADD
+ Jimmy Danger & Bombaman MC
live @ Switch! @ The Zoo (Vienna)
November 21st 2008
Lomax – Profiler – Bounce
Break – The Compass – Explicit
Commix – Talk to Frank (Break rmx) – Metalheadz
DJ Craze & Juju – E.L.O – Cartel
Die & Break – Coming from the Top – Clear Skyz
Die – Blow Your Whistle – Full Cycle
Micky Finn & Erb N Dub - My Dog – Finn People Productions
Cubist – Nautilus – Zombie
DJ Deval – Drop Kick – Reformed
Break – Destiny Comes Ringing – Commercial Suicide
Fierce/Break/Nico – Draw – [Quarantine]
DJ Dara – Possession (dsf rmx) – Breakbeat Science
Gridlok & Origin – Snap the Whip – C.I.A.
Spirit – Tone Track – Inneractive Music
DJ Andy – Boh! – Chronic
Digital – Gateman (Keaton rmx) – Phantom Audio
Chase & Status – Streetlife (feat. Takura) – Ram
Doc Scott – 9507 – 31 Rec.
D. Kay & Lee – Extazzy – Metalheadz
oder direct
*) gab da in der Mitte irgendein Problem mit der Aufnahme, wurde daher rausgeschnitten...however, never mind! 
quote: "Vinyl brings quality control. Anyone can bang out a tune and upload it to an internet site, but when you decide to invest £2000 in pressing up some records, believe me, you soon start to question the quality of the music." [PJ/Shut Up And Dance]
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25-12-2008 - 19:40 |
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junior member
Reg.: Jan 2009
Posts: 42 |
mix by chilip Firstmix(20 mins) to add
Hi, mein erster Mix (ich leg seit etwa einem Monat auf), wollt mal ein bisschen Feedback erhalten, was ihr so dazu sagt.
Hab das Ende bisschen verkackt, weil zu früh auf den Stopbutton gekommen, ich hoff da ist mir niemand zu böse.
Killa Hurt - One Finger technique
Ebony Dubsters - Power of Ra
Noisia - Facade
Clipz - Push it up
Original Sin - Decibel
Shimon - Crossbow
Mampi Swift- One Finger
D. Minds/DirtyHarry - Ho Bass
Subfocus - Timewarp
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24-01-2009 - 16:46 |
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junior member
Reg.: Jun 2006
Location: At the corner of get a map and fuck off
Posts: 20 |
goiler mix!!!! Echt beachtlich dafür dass du nur seit einem monat auflegst
Keep up the good work
Direkt aus dem Hause KAPTN' KARACHO
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24-01-2009 - 18:32 |
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Reg.: May 2009
Location: Upper Austria/Soon Vienna
Posts: 4 |
pele.tronic - chocolate flavoured ice cream

when the stress burns my brain just like acid raindrops,
mary jane is the only thing that makes the pain stop!!

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08-05-2009 - 16:17 |
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Reg.: Dec 2009
Posts: 3 |
How many of you tried dear,
i wanna also do this task let me
first give feedback of it.
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02-01-2010 - 09:24 |
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Reg.: Dec 2003
Location: MEIDLING
Posts: 298 |
Please add:
Cosmin trg;since we last spoke;tempa
Funk ethics;blues is now;
Desto;dissapearing reapearing ink
L-Wiz;lovin in a lazer;aod
Harry brown;thirty six hours;deep medi
Cosmin trg;strobe lik;tempa
Break feat. Newham Generals;Hard;Digital Sb
Martyn;after 7;revolver
Martyn;mega drive generation;hyperdub
Rusko&caspa;rock bottom;
Uncle sam;round the world girls (Tes la rok rmx)
Mizz beats;my world;deep medi
don´t just do something, stand there !
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16-02-2010 - 08:56 |
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The time is now - 13:57 (CET) |
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